10 Secret Video Game Mechanics That Let You Mess With NPCs

2. Clique Fighting - Bully: Scholarship Edition

Red Dead Redemption 2 Micah

The social cliques are a big part of Rockstar's delinquent simulator, Bully. They are integral to the game's story, acting as antagonists as well as Jimmy's allies.

For this reason, it makes sense that there would be a lot of mechanics related to the jocks, nerds, preppies, and other groups at Bullworth Academy, but the thing is, the game doesn't tell you about all of them, and there is one particular hidden system in place that can be exploited to trick NPCs into starting a full-on war (in a school setting sense, of course).

You see, just as Jimmy earns reputation with the cliques, so does each clique have its own defined reputation with the rest.

Some of the cliques even have permanent rivalries that cause them to attack each other on sight, and you can use this to stir trouble.

Convincing people to follow you by hiring them from a clique you're popular with will allow you to bring a clique member into the hideout of another, rival clique and cause them to attack each other.

Repeating this with students enough times will let you set up proper fights and then watch as the school devolves into an unregulated battlefield.

Gary would be proud.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.