10 Secret Video Game Mechanics That Let You Mess With NPCs

5. It's Peeling Time - Kenshi

Red Dead Redemption 2 Micah
Low-Fi Games

Kenshi is a game set in a harsh and brutal world where everything and everyone exists to kill you or make you want to kill yourself.

Slavers, monsters, and cannibals love to subject you to physical and emotional torture, and the worst part is that aside from combat, there isn't much in terms of being able to get revenge on them.

Until you discover the Peeler Machine.

The Peeler Machine is a wonderful little device that is hidden within Kenshi's most dangerous region of the Sonorous Dark.

The machine, as the name suggests, is used for peeling, but here's the twist: instead of veggies and fruits, the machine peels people!

Yes, the peeler takes its victims limbs, then their skin, and finally their internal organs. And while this sounds incredibly gruesome, it's one of the best and funniest ways to mess with hostile NPCs, once you find it and unlock the secret schematic for it.

Once you can build one yourself, stuff anyone who annoys you inside for just long enough to take their limbs, and then release them into the wild to watch as powerful leaders and legendary warriors become wiggling potato sacks, like the Black Knight from Monty Python.

Tis but a flesh wound, indeed!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.