10 Secret Video Game Mechanics That Let You Mess With NPCs

4. Micah Antagonize Glitch - Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 Micah

Micah Bell is easily the most hated character in the entire Red Dead Redemption series and possibly one of the most hated video game characters of all time.

Most players who have experienced the full scope of Micah's treachery in Red Dead Redemption 2's story devote a considerable amount of time on their consecutive playthroughs to antagonize the man as much as they can.

The bad news is that the antagonistic interaction has a limit.

The good news is that there is a secret exploit that will allow you to override it and spew all the poison you want at Micah, as well as anyone else who deserves it.

Triggering the exploit is simple enough. You just need to spam the antagonize button as fast as you can so that the game fails to register that you've reached the limit of your insults and allows you to smack talk your conversation partner all day long.

Now you can give Micah a piece of your mind as many times as you want, whenever you want, to make sure the gang's least favorite rat knows where he truly belongs.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.