10 Secret Video Games That Could Drop In 2020

6. Horizon Part 2

Horizon Zero Dawn 2

Across the last six years, veterans Guerrilla Games have only released two titles:

Launch game Killzone: Shadow Fall, and the almightily gorgeous Horizon Zero Dawn. The latter felt like the team had been held captive on Helghan itself, forced to forgo every idea that wasn't a brown and grey shooter, until the turn of the generation let everything coalesce into one.

Horizon was Guerrilla's best-received game... perhaps ever, and it's clear they were starting a franchise. Zero Dawn ends on a sequel-tease as to why a certain character did a certain nefarious thing, and it's the only question left from the story overall.

With that in mind, Guerrilla's own website confirmed existence of "Horizon part 2" through a job listing, describing the roles already filled in-house.

It reads, “Within Guerrilla, we have four teams dedicated to creating the stunning environments of Horizon. One team focuses on the creation of lush and stunning vegetation.”

Although it reads somewhat weirdly, this description of ongoing development certainly doesn't apply to the existing version of Horizon, which stopped receiving patches in February 2018.

Either - because it's been three years since launch and two since the team moved on - Horizon's sequel helps close out the PS4, or it could welcome in the PS5.

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