10 Secret Video Games That Could Drop In 2020

5. Batman: Capture The Knight

Arkham Court of Owls Talon
Warner Bros.

Let's start out with something the developers finally acknowledged after 5 years of silence - but with a couple of tweets.

Coming not from Rocksteady - who appear to be maintaining their silence while working on... something - Warner Bros. Montreal rocked our collective Bat-socks clean off in September 2018, tweeting "Capture the Knight / Cape sur la nuit" ahead of that night's State of Play.

Sadly the game was a no-show and nothing else has come of it, but the logos seen in the montage look like a combination of the Court of Owls, Ra’s Al Ghul's coven, the Cult of Kobra and one more.

Putting these elements together, we have multiple factions looking to take down Batman, and the slogan "Capture the Knight" is definitely invoking the moving of pieces on a chess board.

Fascinatingly, this lines up with the history of another Warner Bros. property, Shadow of Mordor, which started out as a Batman tie-in.

The story goes that at one point, that franchise's signature element of capturing enemies and amassing a faction of your own was done through a Joker gas equivalent, which is a mighty fine idea for WB to carry across onto another of their properties, then develop themselves.

A Batman-meets-Shadow of Mordor style crossover with Bats stays on top by converting goons and dominating Gotham one gang at a time?

You heard it here first.

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