10 Secret Ways You Can Turn Bad Video Game Endings Into Good Ones

2. Shifty Ribbon Escape - The Witcher 3

cyberpunk dont fear the reaper ending

The thing about the ending of the Witcher 3's Blood and Wine DLC is that the only way to get the best ending in the game is to set yourself on the path to the worst ending in the game.

In the DLC's final mission, Geralt has to make a choice between giving up the Duchess' sister, Syanna, to the vampire Detlaff or killing him before he destroys Toussaint.

Picking the former option will result in Syanna's death, which enrages the Duchess Henrietta and causes her to imprison Geralt.

Luckily, if this doesn't sound like the plan for you, but you already made the choice to bring Syanna to Detlaff, there is a secret way to save the girl and still walk out the hero.

You see, if you manage to get a magical ribbon for Syanna while exploring the fairytale world she's trapped in, Syanna will use the ribbon to escape Detlaff right before he can kill her, triggering a fight with the vampire but saving her life.

Although Detlaff has to die in this ending, it is objectively the best outcome, as it also allows you to reunite Syanna and Henrietta without the former killing her sister.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.