10 Secretly Powerful Video Game NPCs

8. Grandma Baker - Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

the witcher 3 the hermit

The terrifying Baker family in RE7 is the kind of unit you would not want to spend the holidays with.

Each member is a dangerously powerful monster capable of tearing you apart, something (most) people don't experience at Christmas. However, one family member, the grandma, seems perfectly harmless. But don't let her fool you; she's the worst of them all.

Players explore the Baker household throughout the game and will often find an elderly lady in a wheelchair following them around and staring at you when you pass her. She never poses a threat, and you're not even allowed to attack her, leaving the character as a seemingly irrelevant part of your journey.

That all crumbles down in the game's climax, as it turns out this is not the body of Grandma Baker, but rather Eveline, a terrifying organic bio-weapon who infected all of the Bakers and Ethan's girlfriend Mia, essentially creating the entire plot.

She acts as the final boss and delivers a terrifying body-horror experience as she transforms into a disgusting fungal creature.

If this "adorable" Grandma offered you cookies, you'd best turn them down.


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