10 Secretly Powerful Video Game NPCs

5. Charon - Hades

the witcher 3 the hermit
Supergiant Games

Shopkeepers are a highly important part of gaming. You've got to get your stuff from someone, and most of the time, you want to stay on their good side.

Charon is the official provider in Hades, gifting Zagreus power-ups, boons and more, so long as you fill his palm with gold. He certainly looks scary, but his stoic persona and lack of speech make him seem completely docile. Of course, he doesn't stay that way for long if you provoke him.

During the game, there is a small chance you might stumble into Charon's shop only to find a floating bag of 300 gold pieces. If you fancy the coins, then you can take them, but you'll quickly anger Charon, who will transport you to an arena and begin a hidden boss fight.

So, how easy is this one? Well, let's just say you probably won't make it to the outside world in this run.

His attacks are no joke as they deal massive amounts of damage, and while he is a little on the slower side, he only needs to catch you off guard once to whittle down your health. He is, in many ways, a personification of Death, so while he hides it well, it's no shock he has such strength at his disposal.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!