10 Secretly Powerful Video Game NPCs

6. Monika - Doki Doki Literature Club

the witcher 3 the hermit
Dan Salvato

The mind-melding meta-narrative of the infamous Doki Doki Literature Club is full of NPCs. In fact, the whole game revolves around interacting with four of them as you live your life as a student, getting to know the girls in the titular literature club.

But, one of these potential "waifus" is hiding a dark, dark secret.

The game's sugary coating masks a hidden horror experience full of shock, death, and dismay, all courtesy of one NPC. The unassuming Monika is presented to you as the popular girl in the club, so popular in fact that you can't even choose her as a romantic option. Despite this, she's sweet, talented, and kind towards you. But, as the game rolls along, it becomes clear that something is up, as she displays a power no one else seems to have.

It turns out Monika can manipulate the game's coding as she's entirely self-aware. This leads to some truly traumatic moments as she tries her best to influence the game in her favour.

Going from a girl you can barely talk with to a villain killing off her friends is a sign of just how secretively powerful this character is.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!