10 Secrets You Didn't Know About Half-Life: Alyx

8. There Are Two Ways To Deal With Jeff

Valve Gnome Half Life

During chapter 7, aptly named Jeff, you will encounter the man himself. Introduced to you by fellow survivor, Larry, you find out that Jeff is blind. Given 30 seconds to look at him, you may well have figured that out yourself. This is because Jeff is no ordinary zombie, he is a super-duper-zombie, infected by different types of Xen creature. His head has been split wide open, with what looks like a Barnacle/venus flytrap on top. There’s also a kind of face attached to the side of this monstrosity.

Like a Clicker from The Last Of Us, Jeff uses sound as his main form of hunting. If Alyx opens a creaky door, Jeff will be there. If a bottle falls out the cupboard, Jeff will know. If you p**s yourself beside Jeff, he will be disgusted.

In summary, Jeff can’t see but he makes up for it in brute force.

At the end of the chapter you lead Jeff into a container. The kinder players will have thrown a bottle, watched him run in, close the door and leave.

Maybe, like me, you didn’t even know you lured him into a trash compactor.

Well, as with everything in Half-Life: Alyx though, you can interact with the compactor, crushing Jeff inside and laughing at him for good measure. Bet he didn’t hear that coming.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.