10 Sequel-Proof Video Game Endings (That Got Sequels Anyway)

1. Mass Effect 3

Yakuza 6

Like it or not, you cannot deny that BioWare left nothing behind when they brought Mass Effect to a close.

From the original game, we had been building up the eventual incursion by the Reapers, a race of godlike squid machines who make it their mission to "reboot" the universe every couple of millennia. They do this by laying tantalizing traces of advanced tech, like the eponymous mass effect generators and the Citadel, across the galaxy for people to discover and inevitably use. They then use the generators to enter the milky way and wipe out everything they find.

Mass Effect 3 was when the sword of Damocles was finally dropped right on top of Earth. In Shepard's quest to retake Earth and finally end the Reapers, every loose end in the series is tied up, culminating in the multiple-choice ending of the series all sharing the commonality of things being changed forever.

No matter how many companions and civilizations make it out of the battle for Earth alive, the ending of Mass Effect 3 seems about as complete and final as possible. To the point where, for the longest time, the only sequel we got, Mass Effect Andromeda, saw starting over completely as the only way forward.

But lo and behold, we are indeed getting a proper Mass Effect 4. Sometime. Eventually. Any day now, we're sure.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?