10 Sequel-Proof Video Game Endings (That Got Sequels Anyway)

3. God Of War 2005

Yakuza 6
SCE Santa Monica

There's a reason there's only, like, one game on this list with a 2 at the end of it, because when it comes to wrapping everything up in a way where continuing on seems impossible, folks like to do that on either the third entry or the first one. Not hard to see why, as with new ideas, you have to take into account that it may not work and you may never get a sequel, so it's best to end your story accordingly.

SCE Santa Monica didn't think they'd get a sequel out of the original God of War. Even the folks who knew it would be a success, after all, could never imagine the heights of popularity the series would reach.

So at the end of the game, after getting his revenge on the god Ares, but being denied peace of mind by the gods of Olympus, Kratos throws himself off a cliff to end it all. Only to instead be rescued by Athena, who gifts him with the empty throne of the God of War. About as perfect an ending could be for this game, and if it all had been left here, then it would've been on a high note.

However, we all know that that isn't what happened. God of War turned into a bigger success than anyone could have expected, and Sony made sure to wring the IP for all its worth.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?