10 Serious Video Games With INCREDIBLY Silly Moments

1. Cole Phelps' Anger Issues - L.A Noire

Heavy Rain jason
Team Bondi

For a detective game covering some of L.A's darkest murder cases, L.A Noire manages to be more accidentally hilarious than you'd ever think possible. Or hope was possible, because - again - it's almost entirely a very dark game, focused around terrible crimes.

Though the expressions many of the characters make when interrogated are the most well known spot of unintended humour, it's not the funniest. Instead, this title belongs to a concept that many who have played the game will be familiar with - namely, the fact that the main character, Cole Phelps, definitely has anger issues.

Because Noire's question system works through you choosing your response through a one-phrase explanation of what you will say. This means you can select an option you think is a rational response, only to have Cole fly off the handle and accuse his poor interviewee of being a child-murdering Nazi or Communist.

Worse yet, it's one of those scenarios where it's much funnier because you know it isn't intended to be comedic. But hearing him hysterically accuse an innocent granny of having murdered orphans is simply never not going to be hilarious - whether it was intended to be, or not.

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