10 Seriously Hard Video Game Bosses That Divide Fans
How can anyone beat these guys?

Losing against the same boss over and over can really grind your gears. However, you'd be more upset if the battle was too easy. The last foe of a level is supposed to test your mettle. While facing the final boss, you should implement all the knowledge and skills you picked up throughout your playthrough.
Baddies like Psycho Mantis, Bowser, and Sephiroth are renowned for giving players the right amount of challenge. Sure, you may bite the dust tackling such adversaries, but you always felt like you were improving upon each encounter.
On the other hand, bosses like Sans, Mike Tyson, and Malenia are infamous for their cheap attacks. To emerge victorious against these unfair bad guys, you need to rely on spamming, luck, or an unrealistic level of skill.
But there are certain villains who've split gamers right down the middle. Gamers can't agree whether M. Bison is a perfectly balanced boss or a cheat. The jury's still out whether the duel with Dark Link from Ocarina of Time is reasonable. And let's not get started on the difficulty spikes in Demon's Souls.
Although no one is going to argue how arduous these bosses are, it's hard to say whether the challenge is fair.
10. The Hell House - Final Fantasy VII Remake

The Hell House appeared as a random encounter enemy In the original Final Fantasy VII. But for the remake, the demented dwelling was upgraded to a proper boss.
But not just any boss. Hell House serves as the last enemy you face in Corneo Colosseum. Because the sinister shack constantly changes his elemental weakness throughout the four phases of battle, you need to be monitor what he's vulnerable to in order to fill his Stagger Gauge. Only when Hell House is staggered can your two-person party do some serious damage.
Although Hell House is one tough building on normal mode, many believe he's the most challenging enemy to face while playing on the highest difficulty. However, he's only unfair to the unprepared player. If you bring all four elemental Materia to the arena and divide them evenly between Cloud and Aerith, this insidious abode is ten times easier.
Now, this fight is still a doozy since Hell House constantly rotates his weakness at blinding speed. But if you have your elemental Materia ready to unleash at any given moment, you have a decent chance against him.