10 Seriously Misjudged Video Game Levels That Almost Made You Stop Playing

1. Batman Arkham Knight's Tank Battles

Batman Arkham Knight tank battles

Think back on the last few years of game design, and you'll rarely come across the sort of collective outrage we all partook in when it came to Arkham Knight's terrible tank sections.

Serviceable and playable enough as "something for the Batmobile to do", Rocksteady went that little bit too far by literally transforming the thing into a tank - one complete with dodge-boosters and missile flurries. It just didn't feel like Batman as we knew and loved him from the two games prior - more an attempt to "carry through" the gun-happy version from Zack Snyder's increasingly horrific cinematic output.

As you close in on the end of the game, these sections really come to a head. Either story-wise, you're forced to take on entire city square's worth of A.I. vehicles firing projectiles that must be manually targeted, multiple times, or for completion's sake if you chase down Deathstroke (also known as one of the only fighter to go toe-to-toe with Batman, as he does in Arkham Origins), once again he hops in a tank instead.

The sheer annoyance of seeing what should've been a phenomenal fist fight reduced to pittling away at each other with machine guns was so disappointing, especially because worst of all, it just didn't make sense.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.