10 Shocking Times Older Wrestling Games Did Graphics Better

2. John Cena (Again)

John Cena WWE 2K20 2K15
2K Games

Games: WWE 2K20 (left) and WWE 2K15 (right).

Time Between Release: Five years.

The team working on WWE 2K15 absolutely nailed John Cena.

It shouldn't escape your attention that this is another victory for 2K15, a game that was panned heavily for its lack of content and progression on modern systems like PS4 and Xbox One. At the time, folks thought 2K just needed some more experience with those consoles under their belts. Five years on, they're still struggling to convince.

Cena's steely glare on the right looks current-gen. His low-texture expression on the left could pass for something from the final year of PS3 or Xbox 360 production. Why is that, so many entries into the PS4/Xbox One lifespan for 2K, they're actually getting worse at graphics? It's inexplicable.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.