10 Shocking Video Game Betrayals That Scarred You For Life

8. Big Smoke & Ryder - GTA: San Andreas

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When we all rocketed through Rockstar's preliminary GTA trilogy on PS2, it's easy to forget just how many awesome moments were embedded within. San Andreas still feels like a 90s gangster rap fever dream, but there is always one story beat that leaps out the ether - that damn, dirty Big Smoke and Ryder twist.

Deciding to ally with Officer Tenpenny and the Ballas gang, the reveal comes as main man CJ spies a meeting going down between the former three. The biggest gut-punch comes directly from seeing the Green Sabre car though, as that was the one seen in Grove Street when CJ's mother was gunned down at the very beginning of the game.

Eventually finding and delivering swift justice to this pair of traitors was incredibly satisfying, but when the scene comes out of nowhere (literally, you get a phone call and then it's on), processing the twosome's juggling allegiances is a real shocker.

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