10 Shocking Video Game Betrayals That Scarred You For Life

7. Al Mualim - Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed al mualim boss fight

People give the first Assassin's Creed way, way too much flak considering it nailed some open-world platforming mechanics the entire industry would copy going forward. All this, alongside the most streamlined "Here's a target, analyse your options, assassinate" structure the future titles would veer more and more away from.

The plot too, felt fresh and innovative, as a completely understated final twist flipped everything on its head.

See, the blind faith-demanding Assassin Order asked you to continually take out a number of high profile targets, with only the barest reasoning as to why this was the case. Come the close of the game and a handful of dying speeches from your last few kills illuminating just how muddy head honcho Al Mualim's directions always were, it's revealed he wanted the mysterious Piece of Eden you've been tracking for himself, and all the people you've been taking out formed any competition he would've faced along the way.


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