10 Shocking Video Game Finales NOBODY Understands

5. Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2 Dog Ending

Silent Hill 2? I hear you ask. One of the greatest horror games of all time? Okay, I’m breaking the rules a little here by choosing just one ending, but we have to break the rules to talk about canine masterminds.

Much like the other entries on this list, Silent Hill 2 has a handful of endings. But we’re not here to talk about Mary’s letter. James’ suicide, or the cycle of Mary’s fate repeating with Maria’s illness. No sir. We are here to talk about evil yet adorable dogs. In the special joke ending known only as ‘Dog’. James discovers that, in fact, a Shiba Inu called Mira has been in control of all of the game’s events. In the face of James’ devastation, Mira wanders over and licks his face.

Now, there’s some disagreement over whether the dog truly knew what it was up to or not, but I suppose some things are better left unknown. Konami also hasn’t confirmed which ending is canon so, hey, if this is your truth, power to you.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.