10 Shocking Video Game Finales NOBODY Understands

4. Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 ending

Now, whether you think Far Cry does endings well or poorly, you can’t disagree that they’re always pretty major affairs, which is why they’re so often talking points in our endings videos. For this video, we’re hitting Far Cry 5.

Now, any Far Cry fan will tell you they love giving you endings that span the gamut from ‘bad’ to ‘also bad’. This is perhaps never truer than in Far Cry 5. In the ‘bad’ ending you let Joseph Seed and his nutso zealots get away with their occupation of Hope County.

He gives you leave and sends you on your merry way, but more realistically the screen goes black once you’re outta there and it certainly seems like old Seed hypnotised you and made you kill the Sheriff and your colleagues.

And now for the ‘good’ ending, where you’re forced to fight your Bliss-addled allies to get them unhypnotized, then head into a one-on-one with Seed, take him out, and finally arrest the little bastard.

Unfortunately, it turns out the crazy cult was right after all about the whole impending nuclear explosion thing. You try to outrun it, Seed lives and claims you as the first of his new flock. And that’s the good ending.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.