10 Shocking Ways Gamers Have Been Lied To

8. The Living World But Not So Much

city of heroes MMO€™s often boast these living and breathing worlds where anything and everything can happen, which is true in the sense that a monster can be dropped into the game by a dev at random. However, when considering how most MMO€™s work, the player has zero impact on the actual world. Going into an instance (see dungeon) places the player in an environment that is vacuum like in its scope, nothing that happens in the instance effects the world despite the results of the mission. For example, in the now shut down MMO City of Heroes, several instances started by going into an office building to complete a mission, which would end in the buildings destruction. However, upon escaping the towering inferno to the safety of the street, one would expect the building to be burning. Nothing. The world, that is supposed to be alive, only seems to grow when the devs step in and program a change. Aside from that the world is magically resistant to the awesome powers it contains, including the giant monster the devs spawned to wreck havoc, where havoc apparently means to be extremely careful not to actually break anything. Shock Value: This is another example of a pointless lie that by definition is just unnecessary. Promoting a game to do or even be one thing and then doing something else is an insult to the intelligence of just about everyone involved. Plus it€™s an example of a company that literally can€™t control itself.
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Dante R Maddox got started in writing about pop culture in 2007. He developed his conversational style majoring in English and minoring in speech communication, his desire to write as if he were speaking to the reader face to face was the bane of many professors. An odd blend of geek cred and regular fella chic', you're just as likely to end up talking about baseball or politics as you are about comic books and movies (just don't mention Tucker Carlson, you are addressing the man who will go to jail for assault in the future after all). He wrote a book called The Lineage of Durge that's available on Amazon for a small amount of money, he's writing a second while acting as Editor-in-Stuff over at Saga Online Press, there is a graphic novel expansion of his book series also in the works as well as continued development of his cheesecannon, one day Canada...one day (Seriously, a piece of ham, you slice it up and now it's bacon?!?!? I say thee nay!!!)