10 Sidelined Nintendo Characters That Deserve Their Own Game

8. Princess Zelda

If there€™s one thing every game in the Legend of Zelda series has in common, it€™s that we always play as Link (or Buttface, if you choose to call him that in-game), so wouldn€™t it be interesting to experience the world of Hyrule from a new perspective? Nintendo have already been slowly but surely edging into this idea, with Hyrule Warriors letting you play as a number of heroes, and Spirit Tracks for the DS having Zelda play a much bigger role in Link€™s adventure €“ as a ghost, sure, but it still counts. We don€™t necessarily have to play as €˜Princess Zelda€™, though a game exploring what she gets up to as Sheik or how she learned all those crazy spells in Smash Bros. would be fun. It could even be a game where we play as Tetra, her swash-buckling alter-ego from Wind Waker. Thanks to Assassins Creed IV, pirates are all the rage in the gaming world and surely a game dedicated to plundering the high seas of the Zelda universe would be glorious? Come on. She's in the name. She's in the NAME.
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A young man with a hairy face. Will often tell you that winter is coming before retreating to his mancave to play video games with a wooly jumper at the ready, just in case.