10 Signs You Love Video Games More Than People

1. You Are Not A Jerk On The Internet

For many years there seemed to be this looming notion that games could be taken away from us at any moment. The fear of Jack Thompson getting his way, or any number of congressmen attacking interactive media for cheap bonus points was a real fear that created a powerful solidarity among gamers and generated an 'Us vs. Them" mentality. Therefore, if as a gamer you truly care about this medium more than you do the people surrounding it and people deriding it, you should endeavour to set an example versus adding to the glut of noise online. Be open minded, realise there are two sides to every story, and some truth in every lie. While it's true the loudest voices get the most attention, with enough effort, over time, perhaps reasonable discourse can flow through the internet like a crystal-clear river. It's easy to add your voice to the chorus of millions that shout these most popular opinions the loudest; it's easy to hate Mass Effect 3's ending, think EA is an evil corporation, and engage in the console war. On the flip-side it's understandably controversial to respect Bioware's artistic vision, understand EA is a massive global company and that it's best for everyone if both the PS4 and Xbox One are wildly successful. You will be ignored or told you're wrong over and over again sure, but sometimes compassion and understanding are their own rewards. Now more than ever humanity is polarised, where something is either "the best ever" or the devil incarnate. As a lover of games and someone who waits on pins and needles for the next indie game as much as you do the next sports title or 'Triple A' release from Ubisoft, the responsibility falls on you to be either part gaming's mob-like mentality, or to change the way it pertains to how we think, talk, react, and perceive games. Which other aspects of life would you rather not take part in and play something instead? Let us know in the comments!
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Paul is a writer, video producer, gamer, lover, and tie-fighter. E-mail him at MeekinOnMovies@gmail.com.