10 Silly Video Games With Incredibly Serious Moments

8. Conker Takes The Throne - Conker's Bad Fur Day

Franklin Animal Crossing

If you want a game that provides gross, silly, and often downright crude humour, there are few better places you can go to than Conker's Bad Fur Day.

The plot follows a fairly conventional premise; you are Conker, a bad-tempered red squirrel, and you are going on a merry adventure to try and find your girlfriend Berri.

Only, when you do, things only get weirder, and this chain of ridiculous events leads to Berri's death. While Conker does briefly gain the ability to bring her back to life while he speaks to the programmers, he doesn't realise this until they've already gone, leaving him with untold power and wealth, but without the love of his life.

And so the game ends with a genuinely sad monologue from our otherwise crude pal Conker, where he discusses love and loss and not appreciating things and people until they aren't around any more.

Our final shot is of Conker on the throne, looking entirely miserable, with a slow close up on his tired, miserable eyes. Congratulations on winning the game, your reward is the most serious ending any silly game has ever had.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.