10 Silly Video Games With Incredibly Serious Moments

7. Tortimer Considers Killing Another Villager - Animal Crossing

Franklin Animal Crossing

When Animal Crossing: New Leaf was revealed to have a Thanksgiving event, it didn’t seem all that surprising. After all, a highlight of the games is seeing your game world celebrate events at the same time you do - and while much of the world doesn’t celebrate thanksgiving, it’s not exactly a cardinal sin to see some friendly critters do it.

There is, however, one issue with this. Because one of the town’s villagers, Franklin, is sort of a turkey, and turkeys are sort of eaten on Thanksgiving.

Maybe the game will cover over it, you think. Maybe they just won’t talk about it. After all, surely in a world where almost all creatures can speak the same language, they stick to eating those they can’t have a conversation with?

But Franklin appears to think otherwise, convinced that his fellow villagers are planning to chow down on his tender flesh. Indeed, even the letter of invitation he gets freaks him out, as he thinks the major, Tortimer, initially invited him to be the “main meal” before this was erased and replaced with main guest.

It's never fully revealed whether this was a prank, Franklin's wild imagination, or actually how things were about to go down - which makes it all the more mysterious, and all the more unsettling.


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