10 Simple Facts Most Gamers Don't Know

7. Adult Women Play More Video Games Than Teenage Boys

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No matter how increasingly accessible video games have become in recent years, the old, tired stereotypes still hold up, that the overwhelming majority of video game players are teenage boys with far too much time on their hands, right?


A study as far back as 2014 by the Entertainment Software Association found that adult women now comprise the largest demographic of video game players, at a staggering 36%.

Adult men meanwhile trail closely at 35%, but most surprisingly of all, teenage boys account for just 17% of all video game activity, the study found.

Though the ESA's research doesn't break the data down into mobile vs. console/PC gaming, it's still fascinating to see how the demographic tide has evidently shifted over time.

Gaming hasn't been a predominantly male past-time for many years, but even so, few likely expected to see teenage boys outnumbered quite so persuasively by adult women.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.