10 Simple Ways Rockstar Could Ruin GTA 6

8. Gratuitous Torture Scenes (Again)

GTA V torture

One of GTA 5's most notable flops was the grisly torture scene carried out by resident psychopath Trevor Phillips. Featuring drowning, electrocution, teeth-pulling and bone breaking, the mission could easily have gone unseen without losing that connection with players that, yes, Trevor is a sadistic killer.

Unfortunately, Rockstar have shown over the years that they adore courting controversy, and that may mean gratuitous torture will rage on in GTA 6.

Hopefully not, because it wouldn't add anything to the game and would lose a lot of appeal if it happened more than once. GTA 5 just about got away with torture due to how limited it was. If similar situations are splashed around 6's world (and worse, un-skippable) then Rockstar can expect plenty of complaints.

Some won't even come from those offended by the violence. No, they'll come from long time fans wondering why they're being forced to relive one of 5's worst moments.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.