10 Single-Player Star Wars Games EA MUST Make After Jedi: Fallen Order

7. Star Wars RTS

Star Wars Rogue Squadron Reboot

There have been a number of real time strategy (RTS) games featuring the Star Wars brand over the years. From 2000’s Force Commander, to 2006’s Empire At War, the Star Wars universe is a near perfect fit for the genre.

The Dewback in the room, however, is that these are all PC games, with zero home console representation for the RTS branch of Star Wars gaming.

Whilst true that RTS games do not traditionally translate too well to consoles, Lord of the Rings title Battle For Middle Earth 2 on Xbox 360 showed that not only can it be done, but can be done well and with due reverence to a beloved franchise.

But who published Battle For Middle Earth 2, I hear you cry?


Building on these foundations and swapping the Ring for the Force, EA can try (there is no try) once again to bring massive, complex, strategic battles to the home console market.

Collecting resources, training units, building AT-ATs and X-Wings, before sending your diligently selected squads into epic battle against hundreds of enemies; this is exactly what Star Wars is about.

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...