10 Skyrim Easter Eggs, Secrets & References You Totally Missed

3. The Mammoth Skeleton

skyrim mammoth

East of Frostflow Lighthouse is a mighty mammoth frozen to the side of a glacier, but we’re not here to talk about that mammoth, we’re here to talk about a decidedly more boney mammoth.

This one is found to the north of Sleeping Tree camp in Whiterun Hold. The mammoth skeleton is not all it appears, though, as inside it you can find a human skeleton.

There’s some disagreement as to what this may be in reference to, though one of the strongest theories is that it’s another Star Wars nudge, this time calling back to the scene where Luke Skywalker hides in his mount to stay warm in the cold. Although in this version instead of a handy Tauntaun Sleeping Bag it’s more of a gross dead mammoth tomb. It could also be a Moby Dick callback or a reference to a hunter trapped by his felled prey.

Let me know what you’ve deduced down in that comment section.


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