10 Smartest Horror Video Game Decisions

8. Resident Evil – Taking The Broken Shotgun

Until Dawn

Resident Evil established itself as king of survival horror when it launched in 1996. Receiving critical acclaim, you played as either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine. One particular sticking point to players was the Ceiling Trap within Spencer Mansion.

Finding a working shotgun off the wall, you proceed to take it and how this plays out depends on character choice. If you’ve chosen Chris, locating the broken shotgun on the west side of Spencer Mansion is required to avoid the trap, making a swap. If you’ve not got this, you must put it back or get crushed to death.

With Jill, there’s two ways this plays out. Exploring the mansion with fellow S.T.A.R.S operative Barry Burton, you’ll split up during these investigations and if you find him again before this room, the conditions to stop the trap are identical to Chris’.

Fail to meet up with him though and he comes to Jill’s rescue, a scene which gave birth to the infamous line “You were almost a Jill sandwich”. It shows that even broken objects have their use and sometimes holding onto them is a wise call.

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