10 Soulsborne Bosses You Can Beat Without Gittin' Gud

2. DragonRider (Dark Souls 2)

DragonRider Dark Souls

Off to my least favourite game in the series, Dark Souls 2, and it’s time to tackle that tubby titan of terror, the DragonRider. Now he’s not a super tough boss to begin with, but you know what? Let’s make him even easier.

In the run up to this boss battle you’ll come across some levers you can pull in order to raise segments of his battle arena. Now you’ll be thinking to yourself, “Brilliant! as this now makes the arena bigger so I can have more space to evade!”

Well here’s the thing.


By keeping the arena smaller, all you have to do is stand still, let him walk towards you, then run to his left and he’ll attack himself right off the platform. Yet another boss done in by forgetting how gravity works, although to be fair he should really know his arena better considering he’s been landlocked there for ages.


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Dark Souls
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Video Editor and recent addition to the madness of the Gaming team, when she's not chatting about games, thinking about games, or playing games, she's streaming them on twitch. Tweet her pictures of dogs @DontRachQuit