5. Innovative Time-Control Mechanics & A Tie-In TV Show - Quantum Break
Time travel, although a fairly common narrative aspect in RPGs and some sci-fi games, has never truly been utilized to its full potential when it comes to actual gameplay. Deadeye, as seen in Max Payne and Red Dead Redemption, is the most common form of "freezing time" during combat, but what if the entirety of gameplay revolved around time manipulating abilities that don't just slow everything down, but allow you to take full control of an entire combat situation in a single moment? Quantum Break's protagonist, Jack, has the abilities to do exactly that: bend time to his will. You can freeze time temporarily to escape gunfire, release time blasts that reverse the direction of bullets, along with some defensive options as well, like time shields that basically serve as a bullet sponge for Jack to protect himself. This goes alongside the third-person, cover-based shooter elements that have been seen before, adding up to an interesting combination of gameplay elements. Along with that, QB's narrative is connected with live action "episodes" that actually vary depending on the in-game decisions you make throughout the campaign, with the final episode having over 40 variations, promising that the player's choices will ACTUALLY have visible consequences. Come April 5th, you'll have to decide whether you're ready to become a true master of time.