10 Spider-Man Comic Arcs That Would Make Incredible Video Games

1. Spider-Verse

Over the course of his time with the Wall-Crawler, writer Dan Slott has proved himself to be the undisputed king of huge, event storylines. The likes of Spider-Island and The Superior Spider-Man came from his own mind, but it's one of his more recent stories that tops our list of Spidey arcs that would make incredible games. In the pages of the Spider-Verse story, Peter Parker discovers that he and every multiverse Spider-Man is being hunted by Morlun and his deadly family; The Inheritors. The danger in each page of this story was always palpable, and the overriding story behind the Inheritors' quest to rid the multiverse of its spiders is a work of wonder. While players of Marvel's Spider-Man Unlimited mobile app will recognise the event as the basis for many of the available characters in the tap-happy game, this story is simply crying out for a console release. Moving through the early stages would offer a look at some of the gorgeous yet painfully under-viewed Marvel universes, and the range of exciting spider characters that could be gathered would give players so many different ways of playing. Consider the game playing like Shepard's crew-gathering in Mass Effect 2, and I guarantee you'll be salivating over the idea of a Spider-Verse game! Which of these titles would top your Wall-Crawler wish list? Let us know your favourite candidates in the comments below!
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.