10 Spider-Man Comic Arcs That Would Make Incredible Video Games
9. Marvel Knights: Spider-Man - Down Among The Dead Men
As the first four issues of Mark Millar's time with Marvel Knights: Spider-Man, Down Among The Dead Men is a story that encapsulates so much of what Peter Parker's life as a hero entails. As the story opens Spidey is trapped in a deadly conflict with Osborn's Green Goblin, but after defeating his nemesis things somehow only seem to get worse. In the story Peter deals with many of his regular foes, unhappy backlash from fellow New Yorkers and - perhaps worst of all - a plot in which his beloved Aunt May is kidnapped. Through the course of the first four issues Peter is battered and broken both physically and emotionally. He is frantic in his attempts to discover who has taken Aunt May, and this simple plot thread would be the great starting point for a video game campaign. Granted Spidey isn't quite the detective that Batman is, but Peter's intuition and intelligence would be key to uncovering clues and secrets in between fighting off the likes of Electro and The Vulture. The question of whether or not Aunt May is rescued in the first story segment is for you guys to find out yourselves, should you wish; but let's just say there could be sequel/series potential in a game based around this arc...
Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times.
Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.