10 Spider-Man Comic Arcs That Would Make Incredible Video Games

8. Spider-Man 2099

Earlier we talked about the idea of having Peter and another version of Spider-Man taking the lead roles in a new Wall-Crawler game, but who says Peter has to be there at all? We've already seen Spider-Man 2099 feature in 2011's Edge Of Time, and the character is going through something of a popularity renaissance at Marvel Comics these days. To draw inspiration for a Spider-Man 2099 game, there are plenty of interesting arcs to choose from. Since these were regularly fairly short in length, combining a couple into a larger story would be an easy way of ensuring the game would be both long and diverse enough to supporting an entertaining campaign. Using a - let's say - secondary version of the Web-Slinger would also serve to take some of the pressure off. The game would essentially play the same as the two heroes have very similar power sets, but the game would more likely be judged for its own merits rather than measured against the absurdly high standards that any mainstream Spidey product faces.
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.