10 Strangest Collector's Editions Of Video Games

5. Dead Island Riptide

Dead Island
Deep Silver

This one is fairly self-explanatory. The game comes with a disgusting, rotting corpse. Why anybody would want a “hand painted figurine” of a decaying woman’s torso on their mantle piece is beyond me. And apparently, not many people did, as there were plenty of these left on store shelves a considerable time after release. From an objective standpoint, the figure isn’t even that nice. It’s not particularly well sculpted, and just looks really cheap.

If you didn’t feel you were getting enough bang for your buck, the edition also comes with a steelbook case, some in game weapons and character skins, and a piece of special artwork. Hardly must-have items. The supposed “grotesque take on an iconic Roman marble torso sculpture” ends up looking more like a grotesque attempt at being edgy.


Big fan of gaming, reading, pro wrestling and complaining. Avid toy collector.