10 Strangest Collector's Editions Of Video Games

6. Catherine

Dead Island

As if Catherine wasn’t a strange enough game anyway, Catherine’s special editions put the icing on top of the proverbial cake. There were two different versions, one for American and one for European markets. Europe got the Stray Sheep edition. The contents were packaged in a pizza box of all things, with a poster of the titular Catherine, a replica shirt from the game, and decorative beer mats.

The US, Love is Over edition swapped out the poster and beer mats for slightly stranger items. The pizza box remains the same, but a different shirt is provided, along with a pillow cover with Catherine on it, and an actual pair of boxers. Pink, spotted boxers to be exact. Despite how silly the editions are, the items inside were all fairly high quality and sold very well. Not to mention you’ve got yourself a more or less ready to go Vincent cosplay out of the box.


Big fan of gaming, reading, pro wrestling and complaining. Avid toy collector.