10 Strongest Non-Boss Enemies In The Legend Of Zelda Franchise

1. Lynel

Zelda breath of the wild

Hyrule has never been more dangerous than it is in Breath Of The Wild. It’s a merciless place in which you can’t even rely on your own easily breakable weapons. The vicious Lynel is a rare beast to encounter, but when you find one, you’ll know about it, because it’ll almost certainly kill you.

Lynels appear in earlier Zelda games, including the first in the series and A Link To The Past, and while they’re among the stronger enemies, they’re nothing too traumatic. BOTW’s Lynels are a different story. Come across one before you’re prepared, and you’re finished, more often than not in one hit.

These leonine centaurs boast some of the strongest weapons in the game, are lightning fast, and can take one hell of a beating. They’re also more than capable of striking with projectiles from long distance, so you can run, you can hide, but you’re probably going to die anyway.

Precise technique will allow you to parry their attacks, or you can just harvest parts to upgrade your armour and hack away at them slowly. Whatever the technique, when you become strong enough to take on the Lynels without fear, you’ve truly conquered Hyrule.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)