10 Strongest Non-Boss Enemies In The Legend Of Zelda Franchise

2. Cucco

Zelda breath of the wild

For the most part, the Cucco is an innocuous part of Zelda’s backdrop. You spend much of your time in agrarian towns and villages; it stands to reason that the people would keep chickens. Sometimes you’re tasked with collecting them. Maybe you’ve used one to glide across an otherwise impassable gap.

Then, you get curious and decide to whack one with your sword to see what happens. And all hell breaks loose.

Abusing a Cucco is akin to signing your own death warrant. The felled bird will let out a cry, and its brethren will avenge it with extreme prejudice. The Cucco Revenge Squad will plague Link, dive bombing and pecking him to death. They will not stop, they will show no mercy. If you hurt one of them, they’ll all come down on you.

In Breath Of The Wild, you can use the Cuccos’ relentless lust for vengeance to your advantage - trick a foe into whacking one and they’ll feel the full force of their beaks. As if the Cuccos weren’t frightening enough already, they can now be weaponised.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)