10 Strongest Non-Boss Enemies In The Legend Of Zelda Franchise

8. Phantom

Zelda breath of the wild

The titular monsters of The Phantom Hourglass, these heavily armoured warriors combine brute force, near indestructibility, and sheer annoyingness to create one of the toughest and least enjoyable foes in Zelda history.

Primarily inhabiting the Temple of the Ocean King, until you’re equipped with the phantom sword, you’re basically not going to be able to lay a glove on them, so your best bet is to stay away. This can be more easily said than done, as some types of Phantom are able to teleport or sprint at a terrifying rate.

What’s more, the Phantoms aren’t satisfied with just hurting Link. They’ll gouge a chunk out of his health meter, but they’ll also take away 30 seconds of his time which, when navigating a temple that you can only inhabit for a set duration, is an even greater attack.

The phantom sword allows Link to finally turn the tables on the creatures, but by their reappearance in Spirit Tracks, the hero doesn’t even have this luxury. As the only Zelda foe that can literally suck time away from you, the Phantom is in contention as the nastiest of the bunch.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)