10 Strongest Non-Boss Enemies In The Legend Of Zelda Franchise

3. Darknut

Zelda breath of the wild

The Darknut is one of the most commonly recurring enemies in Zelda lore, and in every instance they’re just horrible. Designed like medieval knights, the Darknut is clad head to toe in armour, comes packing some serious weaponry, and possesses tactical nous. Link needs to think outside the box to defeat these fiends.

Luckily, in Wind Waker especially, the Darknut provides some of the coolest combat in the whole game. The small, sprightly hero must dodge and weave around the Darknut’s attacks, probing for a window of opportunity in which to slice the straps holding its armour. Once this is done, Link can exert his revenge.

A similar fighting style is present in Twilight Princess, though here there’s a nasty surprise waiting under the Darknut’s armour: a far more sprightly warrior, now seriously ticked off. The TP Darknut (a great enemy design) then enters another stage of battle, easily capable of dodging or parrying Link’s attacks.

The Darknut has been evolving consistently since its inaugural appearance in The Legend Of Zelda, but a common thread is that it presents a great threat to Link in every instance.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)