10 Stupid Arguments About Grand Theft Auto That Make No Sense
3. GTA Is Sexist
The Argument: GTA unfolds from a man's perspective, and as such it's rather unsurprising that some have taken it to task for its depiction of women as second-class citizens of sorts. From the ability to screw hookers and subsequently beat them to death, to the strip clubs and overall lack of substantial female characters, some have readily dismissed Rockstar as a bunch of misogynists simply appealing to juvenile male fantasy. Why It Makes No Sense: Rockstar have commented on the lack of female protagonists before and made one point very clear: GTA is a study of masculinity, and to throw a woman into the mix for the sake of it would just be a token move to appease PC video game commentators. While it's certainly a shame that there aren't more likeable supporting female characters, to call the game sexist is to fundamentally ignore the fact that it's a satire of ego-driven masculinity, allowing players to indulge in pure macho behaviour in a way that's intentionally ridiculous and otherworldly. Critics definitely have a point about the lack of female agency, but to call the games sexist for focusing on (and widely mocking) male identity is to blatantly miss the point of the series.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.