10 Stupid Arguments About Grand Theft Auto That Make No Sense

2. Exposure To GTA Will Ruin Your Child's Life

The Argument: One of the more vocal complaints about the GTA series is that it needs to be kept away from the prying eyes of children, and that exposing a youngster to everything the game has to offer will completely corrupt them. Leave polite young Timmy alone with a copy of Rockstar's latest opus and a few hours later you'll be meeting a violent, foul-mouthed maniac who will start humping your leg. Why It Makes No Sense: Though few people are going to advocate allowing a five-year-old to spend all their after-school time playing GTA, again there's no causal link proving that someone under the age of 18 playing the game is going to become a sex-crazed, aggressive psychopath beyond what hormones already do to a teenager's brain. The "won't someone think of the children!?" argument is reactionary when ratings systems are already in place to stop kids buying the games, and really it's down to parenting (or lack thereof) above all else. If you feel like your 13-year-old is mature enough to enjoy GTA without becoming a warped lunatic, then it's your right to allow them to play it. Most kids these days played GTA long before they were allowed to, and did many of them act out accordingly? Absolutely not.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.