10 Stupid Early Decisions That Ruin Entire Video Games

8. The Tragic Inciting Event Is Accidentally Hilarious - Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain jason
Quantic Dream

Released in 2010, Heavy Rain was a significant turning point for non-linear games.

It offered a butterfly effect format that made every decision feel so substantial, as just one wrong move can seal the fate of one of its four main characters.

The story it presents is harrowing, as a vicious killer is targeting small children and murdering them with rain water, leaving loved ones with unbearable tasks to complete if they want to save them. It's tone is at the centre of its story, but when one silly scene occurs in a shopping centre, it kills the entire vibe the game was going for.

After losing Jason, one of his two sons, Ethan Mars calls out for him in a scene that should have felt desperate. Instead, it's uneven voice acting and wonky gameplay ruins all tension it attempts to create.

Jason's untimely death is at the root of the game's melancholic nature, but every time he's mentioned gamers will be reminded of the scene where he wanders off, which is one of the most inadvertently amusing scenes in all of gaming, ruining much of the game's otherwise solid story.

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Heavy Rain
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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.