10 Stupid Early Decisions That Ruin Entire Video Games

7. Roxas' Prologue - Kingdom Hearts 2

Heavy Rain jason

Kingdom Hearts 2 was three years in the making, and upped the ante of the first game in almost every way. The story is still convoluted but its unrelenting charm carries it forward with ease, but not before an opening that takes far too long to get going.

In any Kingdom Hearts game, players have expectations. An eclectic cast of Disney characters, spiky haired heroes and, most importantly, Sora taking centre stage.

The sequel had the first two in abundance, but made players wait such a long time for the third, as the game's opening focuses on a new character, Roxas for the first few hours.

It's boring, and the story beats that it provides never do much outside of building the anticipation until Sora finally emerges. It's too long, and at a point you'd have to forgive players for thinking that the game may never reach the heights of the first.

Once Sora does awaken in the real Twilight Town, the Kingdom Hearts 2 adventure can truly begin, but the game's first impression is one that it never truly gets over.

Three years of waiting for Kingdom Hearts 2 to release, and another three hours until it actually starts to get good.

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Heavy Rain
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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.