10 Stupid Mistakes Video Games TRICKED You Into Making

8. Trusting Reaver (Fable II)

Elden Ring Baldachin's Blessing

Sometimes, you meet a character in a video game and think, "I'm not entirely sure if I should trust this person." But with Fable II's Reaver, you'll be thinking more along the lines of "You couldn't pay me to trust this absolute menace."

Reaver is the Hero of Skill, a former pirate and an exceptional marksman. His ability to aim, shoot, and kill with a gun is next to none. However, he's also a selfish jerk who is more than happy to screw other people over for his benefit.

Despite this, the game unambiguously tells you that you need to work alongside him, and it doesn't take long for this to bite you in the back.

The first mission he sends you on is to deliver a Dark Seal to a creepy place called the Shadow Court. Unsurprisingly, you eventually discover this was a trap, as you're forced to sacrifice a young girl or give up your vitality to keep Reaver young. Afterwards, he tries to sell you to Lucien, the game's villain. Come on.

No one would have fallen for this had they not been coerced into it. Thanks a lot, game.

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Elden Ring
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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!