10 Stupid Moments When Final Fantasy Lost Its Way

10. Choices Didn't Matter *SPOILER ALERT*-

Final Fantasy XV We all like making choices that have actual consequences to them but Final Fantasy XIII-2 had a choice to either kill or spare the final boss even though he created a giant time paradox in which resulted in the antagonist dying no matter what you do. I know for a fact that Final Fantasy is not known for making choices to define the future or anything but still they shouldn't put something like that in this series. If both choices to a decisions lead to the exact same result, why bother having two choices? This is very similar to the whole choosing one of three colors at the ending of Mass Effect 3 (before the Extended Cut DLC). If you're going to put a choice in a game, make sure the results are completely different depending on what was your decision or else that would make you look pretty darn stupid.

I'm a college student who wishes to become a creative writer someday and writing for this website is the first step. I'm also a very passionate gamer who is not afraid to speak his mind. I am open to constructive criticism.