10 Stupid Moments When Final Fantasy Lost Its Way

9. Less And Less Party Members To Play With And Replace Them With Pokemon Like Monster Members?

Final Fantasy 14 600x300 A good RPG lets you play with a lot of varied characters that you can get to know and enjoy playing them. Did we get that in Final Fantasy XIII-2? Nope, what did we get instead, capturing monsters and training them to fight other monsters....What is this, Pokemon?!? Having only two characters and an extra monster in your party which you can switch out at anytime should not be a thing in Final Fantasy. Yes, I know that Dragon Quest 8 had a monster team mechanic in it but at least you have an actual party with real characters before that and it wasn't the main focus. As for the third monster in the party, as soon as you get a new monster that is stronger then the actual one in your current slot, you just switch it out and don't really care about it nor get attached it, getting it a silly little flower on it's head doesn't really count as growing an attachment to a monster....

I'm a college student who wishes to become a creative writer someday and writing for this website is the first step. I'm also a very passionate gamer who is not afraid to speak his mind. I am open to constructive criticism.