10 Stupid Things People Say About Video Games

10. They're Just For Kids

Even now, as video games become more socially prevalent and acceptable, there still exists this mentality that somehow video games are only meant for children. If any grown man or woman freely admits to spending much of their free time playing games, they will most likely be met with a questioning of their maturity. You€™d think that with the average age of gamers being in the 30s that this wouldn€™t be the case, but indeed it still is. It is a viewpoint that has existed since they were invented, and continues to make adult gamers feel guilty when they shouldn€™t. What makes such a statement explicitly false is that, when you really break them down, nothing about video games inherently makes them for children. Games, in the broadest sense, have existed since man attempted to entertain themselves. They are a way of stimulating the body and mind, and video games are no different. Sports are games, but nobody ever thinks of them as being just for children, so what makes them so different from video games? It can€™t be the physical activity, because board and card games require no physical activity, yet are socially acceptable forms of entertainment. Like all other games, video games have rules and involve pattern recognition, problem solving, and a clear objective. There is no characteristic of video games that distinguishes them as merely children€™s entertainment, yet time and time again it is implied that video games are for kids. This, of course, leads to the next stupid statement people commonly make.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.