1. F- Zero GX
Do you like Mario Kart? Do you like crying? Then you'll love F-Zero GX! A recent statistic (which may have been made up) said around 90% of the people who played this game didn't finish it, finding it too difficult and abandoning the endeavour just a few missions in. In the game you race in bright coloured cars on a series of unique tracks. Or, if you're like me, you drive bright coloured cars off a series of unique race tracks. And herein lays the problem. The cars are so fast and the roads so narrow that the level of precision needed to finish a race, no matter win, is near inhuman. As it's a racing game there's not much more I can say about it other than 'you fall off stuff and the races are hard.' Perhaps I should have gone with Super Meat Boy Instead... Are there any games (apart from Super Meat Boy) you think we should have included? Let us know in the comments below!